“Here comes the sun, here comes the sun… And I say it’s all right” – The Beatles

So I have finally returned after a bit of a hiatus for which I have to apologise for. I’ve spent the last few months completely focused on filling in forms and applying for a visa to Canada. Thankfully, it all worked out and I will be departing this Emerald Isle in the coming months. So, once again, … Continue reading

“Oh I get by with a little help from my friends” – The Beatles

Now for something a little different! A personal request of sorts! As some of ye may know, I also contribute style advice for http://www.Oxygen.ie, with little tweaks to my blog posts,  and today my style editor received a personal request from a reader on how a ‘ginger’ man should dress so I said I’d take … Continue reading

“Cuz back in school, We are the leaders of all…” – Deftones

So after some feedback and some requests asking for a college edition and a more casual look, I’ve decided to dress the blog down for this post! College is one of those places where you can stand out or blend in among the masses of hoodies and sweatpants. Now as you know, I’m the shirt … Continue reading

“In the car I just can’t wait, to pick you up on our very first date” – Blink 182

Given a recent article i had to write about what to wear for a first date,I thought it would be interesting to also share it online here. A word of advice though gentleman, the dating game has changed dramatically and to remain competitive you need to up the ante. One of the fatal traps you … Continue reading

“You’ve either got or you haven’t got style. (If you got it, you stand out a mile.)” – Frank Sinatra

Due to my unhealthy obsession with GQ, both on Facebook and their online site, I have recently came across a blog post that intrigued me. To blatantly lift from the article, it described this new start-up website/company that mixes web and blog content It’s an interesting new way for guys to shop online. The layout is divided into … Continue reading

“Coz’ every girl’s crazy ’bout a sharp dressed man.” ZZ Top

The definitive essentials for all men’s wardrobes. As I wasn’t sure what to start with I thought I’d just jump straight in with the style side of things. Now ladies, don’t hate because all my posts will be regarding male fashion, Its just that as a man, I’m at a serious disadvantage as to what … Continue reading