“Know first who you are, and then adorn yourself accordingly.” – Epictetus

Ok so you may remember my last post on the concept of your personal style and your avatar. This post will outline a plan to bring your personal style up to master level.  Once again, this blog is not about fashion trends on some catwalk, this is about your own personal style and it being … Continue reading

“Oh, but you can’t, you won’t and you don’t stop! Mike D, come and rock the sure shot” – The Beastie Boys

(Photo: http://www.kylietphotography.blogspot.com) So, after the hectic new years and Christmas celebrations. I am sure more than a few shots were indulged and as such, you may be straying away from them for a while. However , I’m going to just ignore that and give ye some awesome recipes I’ve come across on the web that … Continue reading

“Everybody Parties on a New Year’s Eve, Waitin’ for the countdown, Make alot of promises they never keep…” The Eagles

(Photo: http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2012/12/31/article-2255224-16B45D47000005DC-322_964x590.jpg) So a new year has arrived and some of ye fine people may have uttered some promises about resolutions and changing something in your life. Typically these involve vague statements like “ I will quit smoking” or “I will eat less takeaways and go to the gym more”. However to truly succeed at your … Continue reading